Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A BIG week in the MG household

Maisy starts 'kindy school' - her first day going it alone... Mum is doing ok.

Finlay does solids. That's if you call one teaspoon of glue, I mean baby rice, which was received with laughter.


Blogger Rims said...

Hey MGS, Nice cute pics :-D...Well I was a Kindy teacher a long time back and the first day @ kindy school of Maisy reminds me of then...the kids used to be excited about joining school meeting new friends and the mom and dad were the ones who used to be sad and worried about leaving their kids alone away from themselves at school and that too for a couple of hours :-D

6:06 PM  
Blogger Dave Haygarth said...

Nice one children. You'll be leaving home before we know it.

10:00 PM  

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