We are the M-Gs in Oz. Mr James, Mrs Katy, Little Miss Maisy and littler Master Finlay.
We have now been in Australia for over a year.
We would love to hear your news. You can Contact us.....
Tel 0061 (0)8 9314 5316 Katy Mob 0061 (0)413 468 968. James Mob 0061 (0)434 600293.. email: jamesmg99@hotmail.com . email:katymg99@hotmail.co.uk
.... We are 9 hours ahead of the UK
I love the fact that James calls it "The Beast" and the manufacturers call it a "Jackaroo". mmmm now thats sounds like a mans car!!!!!
Elliott Said...
That car is wicked, i want to go in that again
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